Saturday, November 13, 2010


How is it in life it is so easy to complain yet hard to admit all of the amazing things that we experience?!

Do we live in a pessimistic society? Always looking for the "next thing" that will make us "happy" but it is fleeting...just a moment.

What if we were to focus on the blessings we have been given? To be grateful....

In this season I am grateful for:

-Friends: not just a friend but true lasting relationships that stand the test of time. A person that you can call at anytime about anything and you know that they will not only answer, but will listen and give you sound advice and direction...never to feel as though you were an inconvenience. Sometimes hard to find yet POSSIBLE!

-Quality friends of the OPPOSITE sex: The age-old question- is it even possible? Yes! I do believe it is. Sometimes those relationships are a mere foundation for something more- perhaps to discover a soul mate yet quality friends are a tremendous blessing as well.

- Losing relationships as well: Each season bring new relationships yet allow for others to fade away and all is a balance. Each relationship will bring new challenges yet love and joy as well. I have learned so much from each relationship that I have been blessed with. It has provided growth, strength, and maturity.

- Family: Always a blessing yet sometimes a pain, huh?! HA =) My family is crazy yet amazing. Through tremendous tragedy, we have a unbreakable bond with one another. The loss of my loved ones makes me appreciate and cherish those that remain even more.

- Job: In a time of job loss, I was able to find a job in the field I love only 1 month after graduating from school. I was told "In-home Therapy is a very tough place to work". Tough: maybe. With the Lord- all is possible. I am absolutely in love with my job. Each of my little clients has a special place in my heart.

Most of all, I am where I should be. Life will always contain mountains and valleys but the Lord gives me strength to get through anything that I may encounter. In this season of "being thankful", for the first time I don't have to try too hard to search for what that may be because its everything. I can see the Lord's hand prints on every single area of my life. I have a sense of calmness and peace that only the Lord can provide.